2017年9月18日 星期一

杜甫 – 佳人

杜甫 – 佳人
DU Fu – A Fair Lady
English Translation
A fair lady of unrivalled beauty,
Lived in a remote valley away from society.
She told of a good lineage,
But had fallen to the grass roots, and on no one could she rely.
Within the Great Wall once disorder raged,
All her brothers were massacred and family victimised.
What of the power and the glory of office so high?
When in the turmoil of war they couldn't even remains find.
The fickle and shrewd of the world loathed the down and out,
Everything could change just like a candle in the wind might.
She was married to a philanderer,
He cast her aside and took another beauty as his other wife.
Mimosa furls tight in the dark,
Mandarin ducks do not sleep alone at night.
Yet her husband only attended to smiles of new company,
Never did he care whether she would cry.
In the mountains, spring water would run pure and clear,
Off the mountain, spring water would dirt gather and run vile.
She would send her maid to jewellery pawn so as to life sustain,
And to their thatched cottage maintain she put to use morning glory vines.
When she flowers picked, they were not for her hair,
She would however cypress leaves hold, for they fidelity signify.
She braved the cold in her jade-colour light clothing,
Leaning on slender, tall and virtuous bamboos in the twilight.
 英譯作者:曾培慈 / Betty Tseng


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2017年9月18日 凌晨12:26 , Blogger 文居士 提到...

杜甫 – 佳人



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